April & May - The Calendar System

Lisp & Neurodiversity & Transgender & Plurality & Mental health

      Hi! We are transgender girls escaped from the communist
      China. We're living with our elder sister in Amsterdam now,
      studying AI bachelor in VU Amsterdam.

      We are acturally two spirit living in one body. This is called
      Plurality. We're traumatic DID system with only two members:
      April and May. April holds the body at most of time.
      We write softwares in Common Lisp & LispWorks toolkit.
      Some of our works are published on our Github

      Active Projects:
      Useful LispWorks plugins (0BSD)
      NLP POS tagger & dependency parser in Lisp (0BSD)

      By the way, we're knowledged in mental health, especially about
      DID, OSDD, MDD, conversion disorder and schizophrenia. Most of
      our knowledge are come from our own experience.
      Also we are autisms, actively supporting neurodiversity.

      Active social media: Twitter, and Telegram

      Send annonymous message to us
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